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Hello everyone !

Let’s be honest, I’ve always been very organized. It was a bit of a part of my job in my previous life in another field. And what I liked most about the organization was the sense of well-being it gave me and the happiness I managed to bring into the lives of others, if only for a brief moment.

When I discovered the Home Organization, I knew straight away that it was for me and for everyone! I said to myself “what a great opportunity to combine interior design and home organization” and to make people happy by transforming their homes… ”. It was gone!

In this first article, I give you the 5 reasons to succumb to the benefits of Home Organization.

1. Stress reduction

The implementation of storage systems allows on the one hand to reduce the number of “things” that we have (and let’s be honest, we have too many things) and on the other hand to easily find everything we have. we need. These two elements combined allow us to reduce our stress. Personally, when my surroundings are nice and tidy, I am much more relaxed … Nothing like a tidy house to take stress down one (or two) levels.

2. Save time

Knowing where things are can save a lot of time, even more so when you have children. Spending your time looking for what you need, personally it drives me crazy so I organize …

3. Less waste

As I said above, we all tend to accumulate too much. Whatever our reasons, there is nothing like a large sorting to suddenly feel lighter … Bonus, it gives us visibility on what we have (or not) and therefore on what we have need (or not). No need to buy the same thing if you already have it!

4. Feel good at home

My house is my sanctuary, where I feel good and safe with all my things, my little charms … so I need it to be perfect, to my liking and above all tidy and organized as I wish. There is nothing like feeling good at home (especially after the year and a half that we have just spent …).

5. It’s beautiful!

Last but not least, my vision of Home Organization does not compromise between practicality and visual aesthetics. A well-organized closet, a well-appointed space, careful attention to detail and voila! And when it’s nice, it’s good … (well not always but in this case, yes!). Thanks to my interior decorator diploma, I combine the useful with the pleasant, organized with the beautiful … and that makes all the difference!

So are you convinced?

I’m waiting for your call to take the next step!

See you soon.
